
Tuesday 28 August 2012

JulMar MVVM Helpers + Behaviors For Windows 8 RTM

The MVVM Helper + Behavior library is a set of classes for developers to help them build Model-View-ViewModel oriented applications. It includes some useful classes, a base framework for MVVM and a bunch of Blend behaviors, triggers and actions.

There are several examples available at where I've been blogging on how to use this library. I'll push some of that information up here as well.

You can install MVVMHelpers through NuGet - just search for MVVMHelpers, it will add the latest version into your project automatically from within Visual Studio if you install the NuGet plug-in.

Alternatively, you can type the following into the Package Manager console to add it to your project:

PM> Install-Package Install-Package MVVMHelpers.Metro

Download DLL from here
Source code for MVVMHelpers for Windows 8 Metro

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